Wednesday, June 29, 2016

cricket online order error

I really should get paid by helping out with this.  Because cricket is of no help.  I was trying to order a phone from and it kept saying my info was incorrect.  I did everything from calling my bank to make sure my account was ok to calling cricket. My account was fine, crickets only solutions were to go to a store or try a different browser. the weirdest thing about the whole thing was every time I tried to place the order it said there was a $0 charge on my account which is proof that my info was correct the whole time, and it ha to be their system.  After 10 tries with no results and several browsers, I really wanted the phone ;), and this just made me more determined to get it.  I tried safari and it finally went through!  so if you are having this issue, try safari.  comment please!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Book

I have officially published a book.  You can get it here  and/or here

It is about me loosing my son because of premature birth.  It goes through the whole experience and is a true story.  Hope you all check it out!


Monday, June 29, 2015

broken glass

Do you ever just feel like a pile of broken glass strewn across the floor?  Searching for the glue to try to get back together again.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

A discussion about loss

I would like to start a discussion board about how people have dealt with loss.  It can be any type of loss.  If you have any advice for anyone struggling with a loss please post a comment. 

My advice is basically that the pain will never completely go away.  They things that helped me the most at the worst times of my grief have been to find a way to vent.  Since I am an artist I would draw or paint to help vent my emotions.  If you can talk to someone it can help but I had a hard time talking at all.    

Another thing that helps is writing.  I started out writing in my journal, as if talking to an imaginary friend.  It will be a friend that is silent, cannot judge or say the wrong thing.  Now as you may know from my previous posts I am writing a memoir about the experience.  This has been instrumental in helping me remember what happened.  Some people may want to forget, but my biggest fear was that it would become unreal over time and feel like it was all a bad dream.  I want to remember it.  It has changed me as a person, and I want to embrace those changes and use them to make myself a better more appreciative person. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

So I had some computer issues.  Currently still working through them.  But I have it figured out and stabilized.  Been doing well on the writing of the book.  I have been researching self publishing a lot.  Its very interesting and I have found that there is not need to put any money into it, and the percentages of my royalties are good.  I really am not doing it for the money.  I just figured I'd do the research to see what the specs are. 

Mean while.  I went to Vincent's kindergarten graduation.  It was spectacular.   I hope that one day when I am finally teaching I will be able to help with the productions that the kids do.  They always seem to be so excited about them.  Last Christmas Vincent had one that I couldn't make it to, I couldn't afford taking the time off work and have money to give them a Christmas and I will forever regret it.  But I'm sure I've made up for it by now. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Book progress

Ok, so I just finished chapter two.  I think it is coming along nicely.  I also found that it is easiest to publish a eBook instead of a paper book.  A lot of authors publish the eBook first and then if that goes well eventually publish the paper book.  Since this is my first book, I think this may be the best route for me.  But I will continue to research my options I still have plenty of time to decide since the book is not complete.  If anyone has real experience with publishing books please comment or email me with your advice. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jeffrey and I are both unemployed and I have to say it is the hardest thing to experience.  We both thought we would have call backs for jobs a few times and then never get them.  Sometimes it can really make you wonder what to do.  You are never sure which bills should be paid and which you can wait on.  Luckily we have a landlord that is very patient with us on rent.

But one of the main things that bothers me is Maya got some money for her birthday and it is so tempting to use it for bills.  I will never do it, but has anyone else ever had a temptation like that?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hello world

So I thought it would be a nice way to pass time by writing on here again.  A lot has happened since my last post of course.  

I am unemployed and currently working on finishing up the final steps to get my teaching license. 

I love playing video games.  I did read a lot but for some reason at the moment I have readers block and cannot seem to get into a book. 

I am a Netflix addict, lol. 

But the main thing I find my self doing is running around the house trying to keep up with house chores. 

I would like to put some articles on here about a few things but I am not sure where to start.  One of the things I am currently working on is a memoir about my recent loss of a baby.  I think what I am going to do is try to finish it and look into it getting published.  Finishing it will be a challenge as it is very painful to recollect everything that happened.  Plus I have no idea how to get something published, guess I will get there when I get there.  But mainly I just want people to hear my story and for the women out there that have been through it t know that they are not alone.  I am putting things in the book that I have not even told my family or friends as well because I don't talk about it much at all. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


I haven't posted on here in a long time.

The world of being a mommy can be very challenging. Some days i feel like I am running around non stop from they get back to bed.

I have Vinny looking up at me looking like a little bitty man, telling me all kinds of stuff, most of which I don't understand. Then I have Maya who needs to be busy all the time. She wants to paint, she wants to cut and paste. Could we play cards, how about read a book.

I really get frazzled sometimes, But one thing is for sure, i would not have it any other way.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Vincent and Maya

We are all doing really well. Vincent is getting bigger and bigger. He was 8lbs and 13 oz last time we went to the doc. Maya is doing really good. She is doing well preparing for kindergarten next year. She loves to sing the ABC's together and I'll stop singing while she isn't paying attention and she keeps singing them right!

Vinnie smiles at everything! And he laughs a lot. He talks quite a bit too.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Hey out there

Well I have mom's Internet for the day so I figured I'd do a post.

I will be 32 weeks Thursday, this is a good milestone to reach because that is the gestation Maya was born in and we all know she is doing fine. I am having contractions regularly every 5 minutes or so, sometimes more aggressive feeling than others, depending on how "easy" I have been taking it. I go to the doctor to get a check up Thursday so we'll see what he says. Last time I was checked I believe was a week and a half ago and I was 2 centimeters dilated.

Maya has been telling people, "My mommy's belly is so big!" And Jeffery's sister said the other day they were at the store and there was another pregnant woman there, and Maya said "My mommy's belly is a lot bigger than that lady's" LOL. I guess in her eyes the bigness is like a competition?

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


My Maya has been taking such good care of me during this pregnancy. I was in the hospital for contractions and the day that I got home, right after Jeffrey left, I was having a rather painful contraction. No matter how hard you try to hide stuff like that Maya can always tell that something isn't quite right. So she is asking me what was wrong, and I told her I was hurting. She says "Do you need to go to the hospital?" It was so sweet how she said it. I told her I didn't want to and she, of course, asked why, so I told her " Cause I want to stay here with you"

The other day Rocky gave Maya some money cause we were going to the dollar store. She had to took at the whole store and finally when it was time to pay and go she put her thing she wanted, which was a dollar, on the counter and mom and I told her now you have to give him the money. She wouldn't let me count it out for her, instead she reached into her pocket, pulled out a nickle and set it on the counter. It was so funny, as if she was thinking "that should cover it".

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Eli's 2nd birthday

I tried to get a lot of pics but these kids are just too fast!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Maya is going to be a big sister

I'm 16 weeks pregnant. I met the doctor, the last time it was the nurse practitioner, and I feel really confident that I'm in good hands. And he reassured me that it is "OK" to have a baby at 32 weeks, its when you have one in twenty something weeks that it is very worry some because then the baby has serious heath problems their whole life. So he said we will try to go full term but if we don't then at least get to a safe term. Plus he said I will know what the signs are that things are going wrong because they'll be written in my system like a computer so if any alarms go off in my head I'll be able to just make an appointment and go from there.

So enough on that subject:

Maya is really excited about being a big sister. She comes up to me and says "Mommy, can I see yours baby?" referring to my belly, which I will suppose will be my baby until no longer pregnant. So I say yeah, and she pulls my shirt up and leans in closer and says "Hi baby, its me Maya. I will not make you cry. I love you." and she kisses my belly. She does this fairly often telling the baby all sorts of things. It is so sweet, the baby will know who she is upon arrival.

Monday, February 23, 2009

how are you feeling?

I am having a lot of pressure so far. But not so nausiated any more. I already have to pee every 10 minutes! And i am tired. But all is normal so thats good.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The latest on my end of the world

Well, for those of you who don't know: I am 13 weeks pregnant today. This pregnancy so far has been quite miserable. I am constantly exhausted, and go from phases of being nauseated to phases of wanting to eat everything in sight.

Maya seems very interested in the whole situation. She says she has a baby in her belly too. When we ask her if she wants a brother or a sister sometimes she says brother sometimes sister, but one day she says "A brother and a sister".

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Maya's imagination, medical practices, and more

Today Maya walked up to me and says 'Hi my name is Susie' I didn't know what to say so I say 'OK'. So she was 'Susie' for like 15 minutes, it was quite cute.

Maya sees a freckle on my arm and says "Oh mommy, you have an owwie, you need some butter." I say "Why do I need butter?" She doesn't reply just proceeds to put some slobber on her finger and rub it on my freckle, then she says "All better!" I said "Yeah, all better". And as time went by I have discovered not only that butter is actual slobber, but it has all kinds of healing abilities. If you have an owwie, chapped lips, a messy face, the possibilities are endless, just put some 'butter' on it. And could you guess who she could have possibly learned this from? None other than Mommy her self. We are headed out and I realize she has a small splotch of chocolate on her face, no wipes handy, so I lick my finger and rub it away. She looks at me and says "Mommy, you spit on me!" I say "It's OK I was just using a little slobber to clean your face". weeks later she cleans my face with slobber.

Monday, December 29, 2008


I have a cold, and everyone who knows me knows it takes me forever to fight them off. Work is going well. I was hired on as a temperary worker and I am hoping for a permenant position, but I did have to call in quite a few times and that may keep me from getting one. Blah!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

Man having a job is really wearing me out! My arms are so sore from all the lifting, and my fingers feel like they might fall right off. I will be glad to have christmas off! I had christmas cards made to send to everyone but only a handfull of people actually got them because i have been so busy, so to those who did not get one, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! From me and Maya.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I want to down size some of my stuff in my-and-moms etsy shop. So This would be a great time for family members, and friends to let me know if any of the stuff might be on their wish list. I can not believe that christmas is right around the corner! And coming fast! here is a link to the shop, drop me some hints.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I got a job at walmart. I think it will be nice to work again not to mention the money.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Conversations with Maya

Maya: Maya wants a cookie!

Me: Say 'I want a cookie.'

Maya: Maya wants a cookie.

Me: Say 'I'

Maya: I

Me: 'want'

Maya: want

Me: 'a cookie"

Maya: No! Mama, Maya wants a cookie! Not Mama!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Ghost stories

On Halloween morning Maya comes to me in the bathroom and says, "Look it's a ghost mommy!" I say "where is it?" She looks into the bedroom, which is connected to the bathroom and says, in a friendly voice, "Come on ghost come in here with me and my friend Mommy, come on, it's OK, come on." The whole time waving her hand the way you would to show someone which way to go. Then she closes the bathroom door. I ask "Is it in here". She says "No he's still in the bedroom". I ask her what he looks like and she says "he is and blue". I then decided it must be some sort of game because of the colors, and decide it's nothing, and I'll see if she brings it up again. So we go about her planned day, trick or treating and visiting Grammy. While we are at Grammy's house we take pictures of her in her costume in the back yard. Then we go home and go to bed.

The next day, I was in the kitchen fixing some breakfast, and I hear Maya say..."Not again!" She usually says this if she spills something, or makes some sort of accident. So I go in the room and ask her what happened. She replies "The ghost is in the bedroom, again" i ask her where he is, and she turns around like she knew where he was, and then says "Oh, he's gone now". That night I finally got around to taking the pictures from Halloween onto the computer, and when I was emailing them I noticed something strange...Here are the pics.

Pic number one:

Pic number 2:
Pic Number 3: ever hear about orbs. Well this apears to be a no mistake orb. I was telling Maya to blow the camera a kiss, and she just was not paying attention to me. At the time i had no idea why, but she seemed very distracted. She apears to be looking at this orb. Now I believe that she was busy trying to see this "orb".

Pic number 4: She looks behind her, almost in a double take.
Pic number 5: She beginns to play again

Pic number 6: She turns back toward the place where the orb was.
Pic 7: She finally blows the camera a kiss.
Pic 8: She plays a little longer then we go back in.
What do you think?
She hasn't brought it up again.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Some of my new creations

This one is inspired by my sister who bought a beaded bracelet on wire and said she wished it was dangly, so this one is on 4 strands of beading thread and should be pretty strong, and it dangly.

Care bears

Anyone who remembers Care Bears knows that the cubs often say "Goody-Goody-Gosh" all the time. Care Bears being one of Maya's favorite shows, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that after giving her some Pizza, which is her favorite thing lately, she says "Goody-Goody-Gosh", and then licks her lips. She is a character, and the characters that are her favorites seem to influence her character.


Do you ever have a day that you feel like you are walking through a thick fog all day. The last few days have been like that for me, anyone know how I can get out?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Driving has been going well. We drove on some streets, and it was fun. I am truly getting excited about the next time I get to drive. It is great!

Raisin Fingers

The other day I let Maya take a bubble bath and let her play a while longer than usual because she was just having so much fun. Then I got her out, dried her off and dressed her, and went to make lunch. About five minutes later she came to me, already practically in tears, and said, "Mommy, Maya's fingers!" I looked at them and they looked normal except for being little raisins because of staying in the bath so long. I asked her "What happened to your fingers?" She replied, in a very angry voice, "The water did this!" Most kids like the raisin fingers, but Maya got very upset!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Maya is so funny

Grammy was asking Maya where something was, she was like bent over talking to Maya, and you know what Maya tells Grammy?

not where what ever it was- was

she tells her " You've got eyes!", LOL

Grammy says " here i am trying to have a serious conversation with her and she tells me I have eyes"

Maya even had a serious look on her face, like she was going to tell us where- what ever it was-was.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The things Maya will say!

Just now she was asking me to cut her a piece of yarn. I was busy, so I told her " Not right now" and she replied with a very polite, "Very well". How in the world does a three year old tell you that, LOL.